What is SPX?
SPX stands for Subcontracting and Partnership Exchange, the concept developed by UNIDO.
What is UNIDO?
United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), mandate is to promote & accelerate inclusive and sustainable industrial development in developing countries and economies in transition. UNIDO currently has 169 Member countries.
• ‘Subcontracting’ is all about the strong linkage between buyer & supplier,
• ‘Partnership’ is all about effective linkage between various stake holders like Investors, technology providers and various other Institutes that supports subcontracting linkage.
What is SPX center?
• SPX Centers are often hosted in private or public sector organizations equipped with professional staff capacity to assist enterprises in their development process through a range of support services including;
• SPX centers are established in order to achieve inclusive and sustainable industrial development (ISID).
• SPX Center specifically helps local enterprises to successfully meet the challenges of globalization and to take advantage of the emerging industrial subcontracting, outsourcing and supply chain opportunities.
Who will Host the SPX center?
If you are from Chambers of Commerce, Government, Ministerial Department, Industrial Association, Authority, promotional organization, or large company operating in GCC region, then kindly Contact GOIC, we can establish SPX center in your place in three stages:
3 stages to establish SPX center
Benefits to Buyer from SPX center:
• Get access to a large supplier database of profiled and validated suppliers of semi-finished goods and industrial services;
• Get assistance to find appropriate suppliers for buyer requests for quotations;
• Get B2B facilitation services at national and international fairs;
• Broaden their supplier-base;
• Participate in upgrading their supplier;
• Reduce the lead time for supplier identification and selection;
• Ensuring high quality and reasonable prices;
Benefits to Supplier from SPX center:
• Find new market opportunities by working with major buyers of supplier products in GCC and abroad;
• Benchmark the performance and practices to understand supplier individual strengths and weaknesses;
• Receive assistance to develop supplier capacity and upgrade skills;
• Strengthens their position in the Supply Chain: Regionally & Internationally;
• Capitalize on their strengths/Reduce their weaknesses;
• transform into world class supplier;
• Access to regional & international markets;
Benefits to institution/government agency hosting an SPX center from SPX center:
• Gain visibility and expand the client base;
• Use available data about local suppliers for policy/ advocacy purposes;
• Gain access to state-of-the art tools, such as the bench- marking and profiling tool;
• Identify the potential partners;
• leverage the potential sectors;
• Identifying Supply gaps and opportunities;
• Strengthen the industrial linkages;
• Increase the manufacturing output;
• Identify sub sector priorities;
Benefits to the Country from SPX center:
• Promote sustainable industrial development ;
• Create jobs;
• Optimize the allocation of industrial resources;
• Increase productivity and competitiveness;
• Promote import substitution (rise local content);
• Promote exports (global outsourcing);
• Promote investments;
For details contact
Nada Ahmed Al Amri
Industrial subcontracting specialist | Industrial Information
Tel: +(974) 44858826
Fax: +(974) 44857612