The GSPX in the GCC is the GOIC initiative for industrial cooperation which is operational since 2001, crowned by an agreement between GOIC & UNIDO ( United Nations Industrial Development Organization) in 2003 to apply the SPX mechanisms to Small and Medium Enterprises in the GCC by means of synergized initiatives by GCC nation while connecting all SPX center on a common platform.
Over the last 25 years, UNIDO has established Subcontracting and Partnership Exchanges (SPXs) with the objective of helping local enterprises to successfully meet the challenges of globalization and to take advantage of the emerging opportunities that evolve from industrial subcontracting, outsourcing and supply chain opportunities. There are nearly 90 SPX centers established across 44 countries to know more visit
Headquarters for Regional GSPX center is located in Qatar which covers 6 counties in GCC and acts as Pilot SPX center for all SPX centers in GCC More than1,500+ Supplier from GCC are registered under GSPX network
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